Sniper thrillers (Jack Coughlin)

Coughlin, Jack
1)  Kill zone: a sniper novel , Sniper thrillers (Jack Coughlin) volume 1 
2)  Dead shot , Sniper thrillers (Jack Coughlin) volume 2 
3)  Clean kill , Sniper thrillers (Jack Coughlin) volume 3 
4)  An act of treason , Sniper thrillers (Jack Coughlin) volume 4 
5)  Running the maze , Sniper thrillers (Jack Coughlin) volume 5 
7)  On scope: a sniper novel , Sniper thrillers (Jack Coughlin) volume 7 
8)  The night of the cobra: a sniper novel , Sniper thrillers (Jack Coughlin) volume 8 
9)  Long shot: a sniper novel , Sniper thrillers (Jack Coughlin) volume 9 