Paul Murray
1) Zimbabwe
The new, fourth edition of Bradt's Zimbabwe remains the most authoritative guide available to one of southern Africa's premier wildlife and cultural destinations. Zimbabwe-based author, tour guide and archaeologist Paul Hubbard picks up the mantle of this new edition, ensuring that it remains bang up to date and an ideal companion for everyone from wildlife enthusiasts and birdwatchers to adventure seekers and hikers. All the most recent developments...
Paul Murrays brillanter Gesellschaftsroman erzählt die Geschichte von Charles Hythloday, der im Herrenhaus seiner Familie den skurrilen Lebensstil eines Landedelmanns pflegt. Umsorgt von der bosnischen Haushälterin verbringt er seine Tage Cocktails schlürfend auf der Chaiselongue und schaut sich alte Schwarzweißfilme an. Als regelmäßige Arbeit sieht er die unregelmäßige Pflege der Pfauen seines verstorbenen Vaters. Allerdings müssen Charles...
3) Faith or Frustration: Series - Meet Messiah: A Simple Man's Commentary on John Part 2, Chapters 5-12
We begin the second part of this four-part series on the Gospel of John called Meet Messiah. In Part 1, "Behold the Man," we saw the introduction of the Messiah to both the human family and the nation of Israel. In Part 2, "Faith or Frustration," we will join His disciples as they walk in the footstep of the Master from chapter 5 through chapter 12.
Here, opposition to Jesus and His ministry begins in earnest. Up through chapter 4 of John's gospel,...
If you're ready to start your astrology journey, this is the perfect guide for you! Astrology is an ancient practice that has stood the test of time. It provides insight into your personality, relationships, and life path. It can help you to understand your patterns and how you interact with others. From the basics of astrology to the details of reading a birth chart, this guide will cover all the essentials. You will learn about the astrological...
Jesus' public ministry is finished. There will be no more miracles, no more healings, no more preaching to the masses, no more teaching in the porticos of Solomon in the temple. This third section of John's gospel covers only a few precious hours in the life of Jesus. He has gathered with His twelve disciples in a private upper room. Passover will begin the following day, Friday, at 6:00 p.m.
Jesus knows that He will be arrested in a matter of hours....
Everyone understands collateral damage. It is the unintended damage incurred by innocent bystanders who are too close to the target area. Collateral damage is a natural consequence of physical warfare. Collateral grace is a spiritual consequence of spiritual warfare. Collateral grace is the intended impact of the grace of God on those closest to the one whom God bestows His grace. Far too many of us are completely unaware of the impact God is intending...
In The Failure of Death, John records the greatest conflict planet earth has ever experienced. It is not a conflict between nations or peoples, nor a conflict involving military weapons. It is a conflict for the hearts and souls of all men everywhere. It is a conflict in the spiritual dimension of reality that has raged on since the beginning of time, a conflict between good and evil, right and wrong.
The Jewish leadership had grown to hate Jesus....
The book of Joshua is the biblical record of the conquest of Canaan, an event that fulfilled a promise God made to Abram and his descendant's generations earlier. It was the gift of God to His people, the Promised Land, the land of milk and honey.
After Israel's delivery from four hundred years of bondage in Egypt and the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea, Israel was brought into a new relationship with God. God gave them His Law and established...
For generation after generation, the descendants of Abraham had waited to receive what Yahweh had promised to their patriarch ages ago. The stories of a great nation, a Promised Land, and being a blessing to all the world had been told over-and-over again. This new generation had heard these stories often. Now after forty long years wandering in circles in the wilderness, they stood on Canaan's soil.
One of the promises made by God and given to Abraham...
10) The bee sting
"The Barnes family is in trouble. Dickie's once-lucrative car business is going under--but rather than face the music, he's spending his days in the woods, building an apocalypse-proof bunker with a renegade handyman. His wife Imelda is selling off her jewelry on eBay, while their teenage daughter Cass, formerly top of her class, seems determined to binge-drink her way through her final exams. And twelve-year-old PJ is putting the final touches to...
11) Hamlet
This new version of Hamlet with its clever rhyming couplets is great fun to read and would be thoroughly enjoyable to watch. It makes Hamlet totally accessible to a new audience and would definitely encourage further interest in Shakespeare. Fully recommend! - Richard Fleeshman, Actor The Ark and Something RottenThe Silly Shakespeare for Students edition of the bard's most famous play, The Tragedy of Hamlet, simplifies the language of the play without...
This Is My Story is an unusually fascinating account of one man's life.
-It is a story of the making of a man, initially written with grandchildren in mind, "Who was my grandfather? What kind of person was he?"
-At another level it is a story of a growing faith, telling how amidst the ups and down of life he has remained a "soft-hearted" pilgrim.
-At yet another level it is a story of the making of a leader who never stopped learning how to lead,...
13) The Pond
An anthropologist on the verge of an apocalyptic discovery begins to descend into madness, his hallucinations revealing something sinister is after him...
14) Paint it Red
A pair of bank robbers knock off Bohemian tenants in search for their stolen loot.
15) Song of the sea
"Saoirse is a child who is the last of the selkies, women in Irish and Scottish legends who transform from seals into people. She escapes from her grandmother's home to journey to the sea and free fairy creatures trapped in the modern world"--from