Jennifer Kalis
Mallory McDonald books volume 12
It's New Year's Eve and Mallory can't wait to celebrate! Her camp friends are coming to Fern Falls and she and Mary Ann have planned out every last detail for a perfect winter reunion and New Year's Eve party. But what Mallory hadn't planned on is getting sick. Poor Mallory has to ring in the New Year in the hospital instead of at home with her friends and family. Mallory thinks she's missing out on all the fun. Is this the beginning of the worst...
Mallory McDonald books volume 22
There's a new baby on Wish Pond Road, and Mallory has had all the baby talk she can take! Mallory wants to be excited about Mary Ann and Joey's new brother, Charlie. But she can't help wondering what life will be like now that there's a baby around. Whether it's painting the nursery, taking family photos, or attending a baby shower, her friends are so caught up in the excitement of having a new baby brother that Mallory feels like they've forgotten...
Mallory McDonald books volume 20
Mallory is excited about the six-week arts electives program at Fern Falls Elementary—until she gets stuck in her last-choice class, band. To make matters worse, she is assigned to the tuba, and when she plays, it sounds more like passing gas than music. She dreads the showcase at the end of the program. But with some good guidance from her mom and her band teacher, Mallory learns the meaning of "practice makes perfect" and that, in fact, making...
Mallory McDonald books volume 17
Mallory has a new diary, and big news to write in it: a cute fifth-grade boy LIKES her! The only problem: Mallory's friends are more excited about it than she is. Mallory's not sure what to do, what to say on the phone, or even how she feels. Her best friend, Mary Ann, however, is sure about what Mallory should feel and do. But when Mallory follows Mary Ann's advice, she winds up hurting another friend—and gets in BIG trouble. Can Mallory make things...
Mallory McDonald books volume 15
Mallory McDonald has four big problems. Problem #1: The boy she likes doesn't like her back. Problem #2: Her brother is mad at her.
Problem #3: Her dad is upset about her math grade.
Problem #4: Her brother's dog won't leave her alone, and he smells terrible! When it comes to boys, brothers, dads, and dogs, only one thing is certain: Mallory is about to become an expert! A NOTE FROM MALLORY MCDONALD: Welcome to my official guide to boys, brothers,...
Mallory McDonald books volume 9
It's summertime and the Wish Pond Road gang is getting ready to go to Camp Blue Lake. Mallory's not so sure she wants to go. What if she gets homesick or none of the other kids like her? Her best friends, Mary Ann and Joey, convince her how fun it will be to go swimming, boating, and roast marshmallows over a campfire. But when Mallory arrives at camp, nothing goes as planned. Will Mallory ever find a way to be a happy camper?
Mallory McDonald books volume 19
START SPREADING THE NEWS . . . Mallory and Mary Ann are headed to New York. They've got sights to see! The Empire State Building. The Statue of Liberty. Times Square. Central Park. But they also have a problem to solve. Only one of them is invited to appear on their favorite TV show, Fashion Fran. How can two best friends find a way to share a spotlight with room for only one?
Mallory McDonald books volume 16
Mallory is turning 10, and she's planning a super sleepover! To celebrate her tenth birthday, Mallory wants to have the most super sleepover celebration ever! Mallory plans out everything to the last detail. As long as she promises not to let the fun get out of control, her parents agree to letting her friends sleep over. But Mallory's best friend, Mary Ann, has her own ideas about what a super sleepover party should include. Before Mallory can put...
Mallory McDonald books volume 14
The world is a stage for Mallory McDonald!When Mallory tries out for a part in the school play and gets the lead, she is super excited. But not everyone shares her enthusiasm, especially her best friend Mary Ann. In fact, the more excited Mallory gets, the less excited Mary Ann becomes. Mallory can't understand why Mary Ann is acting so strange. Even though the lights are shining bright, is there something Mallory's not seeing? Can Mallory find a...
Mallory McDonald books volume 18
Mallory is on a mission. Max, her brother, is spending all his time with his girlfriend and won't allow Mallory around for ANY of it. Mallory wants to know what's going on when they're together. Are Max and Winnie hatching secret plans? Are they causing danger? And as Max's sister, doesn't she have the right to know? Mallory McDonald, Super Snoop, is determined to spy on them. But when she digs up the dirt she's looking for, she'll find that snooping...
Mallory McDonald books volume 21
Some simple math: one + one + one = one too many! From the day they were born, Mary Ann and Mallory have been best friends. They've always been a two-some. But now, there's a new girl in town, and what used to be just the two of them has turned into three. If you ask Mallory, things just don't add up!
Mallory McDonald books volume 28
Mallory has just had the worst Halloween ever, and she's determined to make the next holiday better. She decides the best way to make Thanksgiving a success is to do something that makes other people happy, not just herself. So she starts a food drive at school. The plan is to make sure families in need get a tasty Thanksgiving meal. And Mallory has an idea to get all of her classmates involved: the grade that brings in the most cans will get a week...