Various Artists
Ella is different than most young women in the kingdom. She can quote any Shakespearean play. She befriends every animal she meets, including the scurrying mice living in the walls. She believes in the power of kindness, in changing customs that are not so kind. Ella has faced unspeakable tragedy and loss, and is at the mercy of her cruel stepfamily. And yet, Ella tries to keep a brave face, no matter how difficult this becomes. Kit has always been...
A fascinating collection of some fifty brain teasing games and puzzles using letters and numbers. These have been gleaned from Victorian times and earlier and are guaranteed to provide many hours of family entertainment. Many vintage books such as this are becoming increasingly scarce and expensive. We are republishing this book now in an affordable, high-quality, modern edition.
Desde hace muchos años se ha defendido que en una sociedad en cambio, la cultura es el horizonte colectivo de la moral y, por ende, el único contexto donde la ética tiene cabida. En ese nuevo horizonte, progresivamente plural y globalizado, el intelectual adoctrinado y la política no deben tener en absoluto un protagonismo exclusivo en la toma de decisiones, y menos todavía en la valoración de contenidos de cara a la gestión pública del conocimiento....
Jessie, a starry-eyed girl from rural Texas, moves to New York City to explore life outside her small town and search for her own dreams. She soon finds herself living in a multi-million dollar penthouse as the nanny to a high-profile couple's four children and Mr. Kipling, a seven-foot pet lizard. With Jessie's help, this incredibly loving family stays connected and close. This junior novel with an 8 page full-color insert and diary entries & babysitting...
Excerpt: "Now it has been my pleasant task during the recent months to read or to reread scores upon scores of short stories that have been published in the Atlantic Monthly. My object has been to select from the Atlantic files some of the best and most representative of these narratives for publication in book form, and thus make these significant stories more readily available for the college, school, and the reading public. Out of this study, as...
Peter Parker continues to adjust to his ever-changing life of family, friends, and being the Super Hero wall-crawler known as the amazing Spider-Man. Since gaining great power and great responsibility, Spidey has fought crime all over the city day in and day out and it's taken its toll on Peter's life. Gwen has moved on from their relationship. His old friend Harry Osborn has returned and plans to take over Oscorp. And a new enemy has risen to wreak...
Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Nueva Aquitania) acumula muchos superlativos. En primer lugar, es la mayor región francesa, con una superficie superior a la de Austria. La diversidad de su oferta turística la convierte también en el destino más popular para los turistas franceses: naturaleza cuidada, viñedos de fama mundial, excepcional gastronomía, ciudades dinámicas, míticas playas, patrimonio prodigioso... Aquí encontrará también la duna natural...
Excerpt: "Two names were used for the only girl at Overlook. In addressing her, the men of the place always said "Miss Warriner." In mentioning her, they often said "Mary Mite." The reason for this distinctive difference was revealed by the sight of Miss Mary Warriner herself, as she sat on a high stool behind a rude desk, under a roughly-boarded shelter, and with rapid fingers clicked the key of a telegraphic instrument. There was a perfect poise...
"Air Combat over the trenches by those who fought The first-hand accounts of the experiences of men in time of war always make fascinating reading. Their stories are, of course, always as varied as the individuals concerned and the eras to which they belonged, whether they were soldiers, sailors or airmen, the branch of their service, their nationalities, the conflict in which they were participants and in which theatre they fought. This is what makes...
12) Laponia
Descubrir Laponia es abrazar extensiones salvajes y desiertas hasta donde alcanza la vista, tierras que pueden verse en Noruega, Suecia y Finlandia, pero cuyas fronteras siguen siendo misteriosas y donde reina la naturaleza. Aquí viven los sami, cuya herencia y tradiciones siguen muy vivas, que continúan luchando por defender y representar sus intereses en la sociedad actual.
Osos, glotones, renos, águilas, ballenas y salmones recorren los diversos...
13) Merida's Wish
Gallop away with Merida in this illustrated chapter book that retells Disney/Pixar's feature animated film Brave--in her own words!
Sus vastos bosques, su costa salvaje, sus espectaculares paisajes y su fauna y flora silvestres hacen de Gabón un paraíso a explorar. Todavía no muy popular entre los visitantes internacionales, ofrece una experiencia única a quienes se aventuran allí. Pongara, Loango, Lopé, Ivindo, las mesetas de Batéké... La red de parques nacionales impresiona por su diversidad y se enriquece con la creación de áreas marinas protegidas. Gorilas, chimpancés,...
This book contains a collection of articles, leaflets, and essays on the topic of bee-keeping. Covering a broad range of subjects, the pieces offer a wealth of tips and instructions that will be of utility to both the beginner and experienced keeper alike. Contents include: "Advice to Beginners in Bee Keeping", "Methods of Obtaining Strong Colonies of Bees for Wintering, "How to Increase Colonies of Bees", "Beeswax", "The Preparation and Packing of...
Pirineos Orientales, un pequeño paraíso terrenal con una orgullosa identidad catalana (la denominada Catalunya Nord), tiene todo lo necesario para seducir. Este departamento francés que otrora perteneciera a España ofrece paisajes de montaña, de playas y bellos pueblos de interior.
Los numerosos pueblos que se han sucedido a lo largo de siglos han aportado su cultura y conocimiento, y se han adaptado al relieve de este departamento francés,...
He aquí un regalo para el lector más exquisito: las veinte historias que los fieles seguidores de la Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, una de las publicaciones más prestigiosas de crimen y suspenso en la escena internacional, votaron como sus favoritas indiscutibles, muchas de las cuales se trasladaron a la pantalla de la mano del gran maestro del suspenso y el terror.
Estafadores y delincuentes, investigadores privados y detectives aficionados,...
Includes 56 original illustrations and a map of the area. Our anonymous author was part of the 6th Poona Division, Indian Army, the first of the British Empire's forces to be deployed to Mesopotamia during the First World War. Fighting and marching through sweltering temperatures forced much inactivity on the British and Indian troops as much as their Turkish and Arab opponents. The author in his irreverent style remarked: "From 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. it...